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November and writing goals!

Writers everywhere don't call this month November...It's NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month.

The general idea is to write 50k words - the magic number of words deemed acceptable to be considered a novel - all over the course of one month. There are daily writing goals, word trackers, accomplishment badges and an entire community of participants to help keep you going through November 30th and hopefully - 'The End'.

I've been writing full length novels since...2011...I think? By 2014 my writing muscles were in top shape, churning out a novel in 30 days no problem...until I signed up to do it on purpose through #nanowrimo

In the pic you can see the various attempts I made to complete my nano goals. It was a sad, sad situation, lol. All those stories were completed eventually, but I didn't get to claim a #nanowrimo win until 2017! So, my goal this year, is just to write. No pressure. No focusing on the deadline. Completing the story before December 1st would be awesome, but it's not necessary for success. All progress counts. And, I've done this often enough to know the story WILL get written, even if it's not in the time frame I was expecting. What about you? Are you writing this month? What are your past experiences with NaNo? Are you a fan? Have any tips? I'd love to hear!

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